If you own a local business, you probably seek the same thing every entrepreneur and marketer seeks. Profit. That’s the end result, but the journey can be long...
Recent Articles
Here’s the thing about algorithms: you never know when they’re going to be tweaked. So when Facebook announced it would be fine tuning its News Feed to focus...
Technology has never failed to surprise users with its advancements. Be it automated ordering kiosks at McDonald’s, self-checkout machines installed in...
Using artificial intelligence has become a mainstream activity, and some of the hottest and most prominent companies like Google, Amazon, Apple, and Microsoft...
Employee turnover. Employers dread it, knowing how costly even an average performer is to replace. Yet employees sometimes just can’t avoid it as home...
B2B lead generation in its traditional form consists of many outbound marketing activities; for example, ads, telemarketing, email marketing, and pay-per-click...
Artificial intelligence. Deep learning. The Internet of Things. We hear these terms and concepts thrown around on every tech-related website and blog. They all...
Everyone knows that the process of SEO is a slow one. You don’t get to the top of a Google (and stay there) without some serious time, effort and hard...
Online writing and offline writing is different as chalk and cheese. But then there are several areas when these two different mediums cross-pollinate making...
Marketing can be a complicated beast. It’s a beast that is constantly evolving, forcing savvy marketers to keep up with the latest trends and technologies. And...
If it happened to Mark Zuckerberg, it can happen to anyone. In June of 2016, hackers briefly took control of Zuckerberg’s personal Twitter and Pinterest...
I’m guessing that by now everyone has heard the big news, right? If not, here’s the gist of it: Facebook will decrease the organic reach of Facebook pages even...
As a business owner, you understand the importance of having an excellent customer service department. After all, without a customer base, you wouldn’t have a...
If you are looking for useful link-building strategies – you came to the right place. Here are 30 ways to get backlinks. With the rise of organic tactics and...
“If you build it… you may still need Google AdWords.” – Jennifer Mesenbrink, Social media marketer and eChannels Manager at ComEd No matter your niche...