How often do we hear someone say “I should really just become a programmer” these days while complaining about their non-IT related jobs? The answer is: often...
Recent Articles
Are you practicing social distancing to save yourselves and your loved ones from COVID-19? Well, if you are, that’s great. It’s the only...
Through various digital platforms, users can share their views and opinions on any business or brand. Online reputation management—monitoring the digital...
If you’re setting up a website, you’ve probably put a lot of thought into its name, design and copy, but little to no thought into your web host. It’s...
Excellent communication is vital to the growth and development of any business. The ability to be able to reach, customers and suppliers and vice versa is...
This COVID-19 pandemic has launched the majority of small businesses into a state of panic as they struggle to find ways to stay relevant in these...
The new 100% bounce-back loan scheme since its announcement has provided many small business owners with a sigh of relief. However, only eight banking...
Small businesses should not give up on the idea of using AI (artificial intelligence) and automation. They may seem complicated and expensive but adopting them...
Healthcare is one of the most challenging industries in the world. The increasing demands from patients owing to increasing population, longer lifespans, and...
In 2015 I launched my first digital marketing agency with $150 (hosting and domain fee). I named it Idunn and I gave it a big mission: to attract clients...
COVID-19 has the world on lockdown, and we’re all suffering in one way or another from the lack of social interaction. Luckily for us, today’s world offers...
Poring over numbers can be a boring task. Even more so, it’s a difficult task to turn these numbers into valuable and actionable insights. However, the...
A new hacker attack happens every 39 seconds. No matter the size of your company or the type of industry, your website can be a potential target for cyber...
Digital marketing is a mix of strategies that includes SEO, email marketing, search engine marketing, and social media among others. Of these, social media is...
Are you planning to expand your small business? Perhaps being a small business owner, you’re exploring new ways to project the brand of your company on the...