Social media marketing has always been important in the digital industry. The impact of social media is so drastic that it plays a vital role in...
Author - Fazreen Razeek
Fazreen Razeek from Grafdom, a leading social media agency in Dubai, is well-versed with digital technologies. He has worked alongside event organizers and suppliers to execute marketing strategies perfectly and efficiently. He has a passion for EdTech and has written for publications around the world on pieces that advocate for education. A graduate with High Distinction from the Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia, Fazreen holds a Bachelor’s Degree with a double major in Marketing & Management.
No one could’ve anticipated that 2020 would be the year a pandemic takes the entire world by storm. There’s no doubt that the Coronavirus has...
Interconnectivity makes the world go round in this digital age. As such, social media marketing is an indispensable strategy for businesses to reach...