SE Optimization Web Design Web Development

UX vs. UI: What Will Likely Work for Your Brand

Image courtesy of Pixabay

If your website’s User Design Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) are weak, then your SEO will be ineffective. Hardly anyone will find you on the internet, and if nobody sees you, your website will not be successful. With about 200 algorithm factors that a search engine will index to determine the SEO ranking of a website, UI and UX are one of the critical indicators.  UI and UX, then, are vital for your business’ SEO and should not be ignored. 

With the ever-improving algorithms that Google, Bing, and other search engines are using, bad websites can’t cut it like they used to. In the past, all it took was to stuff your website with links, a swath of keywords, and an overflow of even low-quality content to give your website a high SEO ranking. Also, if you had a bad web design or users did not find any value in what your site had to offer, you could still land in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) because in the past it was more of a numbers game. So the internet was flooded with websites that wasted users’ time and attention.

UI is all about the design of your website and how users interact with it using their devices. UX is all about how you serve your customers with your site and meet their exact needs without fuss or bother. Your website’s UI creates the first impression, while your UX determines if you’ll make that first impression last. Your UX determines how long they stay, or if they ever come back. As long as users are interested in your website and they get value in what you provide, they will regularly browse your site, view your content, follow you, and hopefully convert to frequent, if not loyal, customers. Isn’t that what any business or brand owner wants? 

In today’s socialnomics “where consumers and the societies they create online have a profound influence on our economy and the businesses that operate within it,” you need to up the ante on your website’s success. If you want a successful website, mind your website UI and UX.  

When both are well planned out and executed, they will have a positive effect on your SEO performance, increasing your Search Engine Results Page (SERP) ranking. 

Best UI/UX Practices You Need to Do

These are standard practices in SEO and content that greatly influence UI/UX:

Unified UI/UX and SEO goals

Consolidate your UX and SEO goals and strategies to generate more leads and conversions.

Meta Tags that Hook People In

Meta tags or elements are tags in HTML located in the head section of a website’s code that serve as a summary of the contents in a web page. How your website appears on the search results matters as much as landing on it. It encourages viewers to click your site, which is an added gauge to search engines that your website is valuable. Poorly-written meta tags do not add value to your website if they fail to attract visitors to click on your site in the SERP. Write your meta title and description and seamlessly include one or two of your main keywords in the meta tag.

Image tags and headings

Image tags give details of what the picture is about, especially useful when images do not load immediately, so the user receives a similar UX despite seeing the picture or not. Google’s algorithm looks for these image tags and includes them as metrics for SERP ranking. Headers provide structure to the page content and improve page readability.

In-Depth and High-Quality Content

Good copy should be 600 words and above. Search engines tend to look for in-depth content with images, videos, backlinks, and references, and content that is less than 600 words will hardly say well-researched. Not only should the copy be in-depth, but it should also contain keywords of queries that are being asked by users.

SEO-Friendly Web Design

Know the role of web design In your business’s profitability. It includes good navigation, excellent and relevant visual content and elements, a design that matches your market niche, brand awareness and uniformity, high engagement, and SEO friendliness. Use focused product names and descriptions, optimised menu names, headers, and creating high-quality, high-resonating content. 

Mobile-Friendly and Responsive Web Design

Responsive web design is “characterized by the ability of a web page to automatically conform and adjust to different screen sizes to give a user an optimal experience, regardless of how they choose to access a webpage.”

More than 52.2 percent of the market share comes from mobile phone users, and so search engines have included analysing the mobile-friendliness of websites and apps to determine SERP ranking. 

Since more than half of internet users do so through their mobile phones, it’s clear that you need to invest in responsive web design optimised for use across all platforms. There will be a projected 2.87 billion smartphone users this year, and missing out on this potential just because you did not care to make your website responsive is a wasted opportunity. 

No Slowdowns

Page speed is also a significant factor that determines the quality of UI/UX because users will not stand for a poorly built website that takes too long to load.  

Low Bounce Rates and Internal Linking

When your content is valuable to viewers, your bounce rate drops since visitors tend to stay longer when a website is of use to them, You can use this opportunity to provide internal links on your page that push the visitor to more of your website content, thus increasing engagement even more.

Backlinks or Inbound Linking

Backlinks to your website mean that you are posting valuable content that’s interesting enough for people to link to and share. It’s one of the most important factors for improving your SEO performance because it’s a signal to search engines of your page’s reliability. 

Quality, Quality, Quality

Is your content readable and understandable? Does it engage your audience and compel them to linger on your website and even come back to hear more from you? The physical design of a website or app only opens opportunities for connection, but you build a relationship with your visitors through consistently providing high-quality content. 

UI/UX and SEO = Tandem to Beat

Combine the benefits and power of SEO and UI/UX strategies. If you want a successful website, you need high SEO rankings. High SEO rankings come with the right UI/UX strategies. These strategies will change over time as the digital world continually evolves. You need to commit to staying fresh and relevant with precise, intelligent marketing tools that maximise your website or app’s full UI/UX potential. 

About the author


Ramon Francisco

Ramon has been writing about technology trends, entertainment, and gaming ever since he left the busy world of corporate HR Tech behind. He currently writes about software and user experiences for Softvire Australia - the leading software e-Commerce company in Australia and Softvire New Zealand. In his spare time, Ramon writes science fiction, collects little yellow men and plastic spaceships.