Facebook continues to hold tight as one of the most popular social media platforms. With nearly 2.45 billion monthly active users, it still remains one of the most used social media platforms.
As marketers, we are always hearing about the importance of social media channels. This drives us to make well-informed decisions in ways to communicate with our audience.
List of Facebook Statistics for Marketers
We have compiled a list of 18 Facebook statistics and relevant facts that will help you to navigate better on this platform, which will ultimately increase return on investment and the market success of your business.
Facebook Statistics – General
1. The number of active monthly users of Facebook has crossed 2.41 billion.
2. Facebook is the world’s third most visited site after Youtube and Google.
3. Facebook is the fifth most downloaded app in the app store, and Facebook messenger is fourth.
Facebook Statistics – Demographics
4. More users within the age group of 65 years and above are joining Facebook.
This is the most significant change seen in Facebook demographics in 2019. There has been a growth in users belonging to the “silent” generation. The users from this age group have grown from 26% to 40% in 2019. This can be compared to a 2% growth in users from the Millennials and Boomers generation.
5. Fewer people belonging to Generation X are now using Facebook.
In 2019 only 51% of American teens between the ages of 13 to 17 years were using Facebook as compared to 71% in 2019. There has been a significant increase in the usage of Instagram, Snapchat, and Youtube by teens.
6. Only 10% of Facebook users live in the US or Canada.
Only 10% of the total Facebook users belong to the US or Canada as compared to nearly 41% of users from the Asia Pacific region. The surprising thing is that 10 % of users from the US and Canada generate 48% of the Facebook Ads revenues.
Facebook Statistics – Business
7. 90 million small businesses have a Facebook page.
The majority of businesses are sticking to free tools such as messenger, groups, and Facebook pages. There is limited usage of Facebook ads for marketing, and only 24.6% of companies use paid promotion on Facebook.
8. 86% of US marketers are using Facebook for advertising
Regardless of the size of your business (small scale, midsize, large entrepreneurs, or startups), Facebook remains a great place to start your social media marketing. According to a study conducted by Emarketer, nearly 86% of US businesses were using Facebook for advertising their products and services in 2019.
Also, it is estimated that this number will increase to 87.1% in 2020. So, Facebook remains a popular choice for the marketing of products and services followed by Instagram.
9. 78% of American consumers have discovered a new product via Facebook
Facebook has achieved a milestone in becoming an increasingly popular platform for product discovery. As per a study conducted by Kleiner Perkins, nearly 78% of US consumers have discovered a retail product on Facebook’s news feed, pages, and groups.
10. 81% of businesses use Facebook video to market their products.
Facebook videos are a great tool to increase audience engagement. The latest study conducted by Buffer in 2019 shows that 81% of businesses prefer to advertise their products using Facebook videos in comparison to other platforms such as Youtube and Instagram.
11. Facebook witnesses the highest traffic from midday Wednesday and Thursday
The day and time you post on social media can impact audience engagement. According to research conducted by Sprout Social, the best time to post on Facebook is between 11.00 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Wednesday and Thursday to get maximum audience engagement.
Facebook Statistics – Ads
12. Approximately 94% of Facebook Ad revenue comes from mobile

It is essential to optimize your Facebook content to be more mobile-friendly. As more people continue using Facebook on mobile, marketers should spend more money on targeting mobile users.
14. In 2019, Facebook Ad impressions increased by 37%
This makes Facebook an even better platform for marketing your products. With Ad impressions rising, marketers can now reach out to maximum people. At the same time, there has been a decrease in the cost of ads which is just a bonus for all the advertisers out there.
15. There was a decrease in price for Facebook Ads by 6% in 2019
This is good news for all the marketers who want to get the most out of their paid ads on Facebook. The overall impact of a Facebook Ad increased by 37%, whereas the cost decreased by 6%, which is a good signal for all the small business owners.
Facebook Statistics – Videos
16. A majority of Facebook users watch video without sound.
According to a study conducted by Digiday, 85% of users prefer to scroll through the video in silence. This makes it extremely important for marketers to use images that catch user attention immediately. Also, it is preferable to add narration to videos.
17. Live videos perform better than streamed videos
As per research conducted by Facebook, Live videos are gaining four times more attention as compared to streaming videos. This has significantly increased audience engagement as they prefer watching content that is not altered. So, all marketers should use live videos in their marketing strategy.
18. Square videos over landscape videos.
A study conducted by Buffer shows that square videos get 35% more engagement than landscape videos.
Final Word
That is a wrap for 18 statistics on Facebook helpful for every marketer in 2020. Today, a majority of people are using Facebook, and your competitors are using it too. Therefore, to maintain a competitive edge, make sure that your Facebook strategy is up to date.
Facebook Ads and videos are going to be some of the key 2020 Facebook marketing tools. So marketers should use more funds for Facebook ads and for creating excellent and catchy videos.
With the ever-increasing use of Facebook, marketers must set up their game in light of these statistics. If done right, Facebook can become a game-changer for your venture.